How can Keylogger software monitor your office staff online activity?
Keystroke recorder attractive features
Modern digital technology offers unlimited ways of communication and sharing great volumes of information. This can be as a source useful data as well as time-wasting addiction affecting your productivity as a professional and influencing success of your company. Probably this is the main reason, why employers decide to install keystroke recorders on office computers.
Staff productivity is a fundamental component for company’s prosperity and raises in profits. Therefore, managers start using keylogger software to make sure office staff doing the best they can to improve their performance and professional efficiency and not visiting websites with inappropriate adult content on business hours. Downloading and installing reliable software guarantees peace of mind for every CEO as he will be sure no one from his team is trading secrets and all valuable, financial and sensible data is safe.
Advanced features provided by reliable keystroke recorders are operating great with Windows, Mac OS, and Android. Products of high quality are available for a reasonable price or even for free download online. Free versions won’t be able providing some additional features, but also worthy of your attention. Here are some main features that users are finding extremely beneficial:
- Chats history as well available for closer monitoring and in this case it is easy to find out whether someone is disclosing confidential data. Reliable keystroke recorder tracks any online correspondence, including such services as ICQ, Yahoo Messenger, Messenger, Skype, Viber, MSN, QIP and many others. From now on all incoming and outgoing messages are available for CEO and top management;
- All keystrokes and apps logging. Keylogger software monitors every downloaded and running app on the office computer, along with all the texts typed. This concerns every chat service like MSN or Skype. All passwords, usernames, personal and work-related chats, spreadsheet formulas and much more are open to the software user. Desktops Screenshots are as well made at set periods of time;
- Access to complete web search history with an indication of every internet page visited date and amount of time spent. Managers, who are curious about online activity of their staff, can monitor each their step now. Whether they are reading news, playing video games, gambling online, spending hours on dating sites or chatting with colleagues on nonbusiness related matters, from now on you can set restriction limiting online freedom. Nowadays you don’t have to wonder why productivity of your employees is worsening but, still, they are spending too much time over their PCs, all you have to do is check online history and see what distracts them from working;
- Monitoring of files and folders changes. Keystroke recorder monitors all created, changed, renamed or deleted files as well as directories;
- Access to microphone, webcam, and printer logging also can provide useful information like a recording of all surrounding sounds in premises, listening to video calls and conversations. Web camera takes desktop screenshots at specific or set periods of time and, moreover, now it is possible to see titles of all printed files.
Without any questions, there are many other features available for users, so it is important choosing a most suitable product that will correspond to your expectations.